I have made art since I was a child, and was fortunate to have parents who nurtured my creativity. From my beginnings, doing landscapes for my aunts and uncles, to my op art phase in high school through to my career as a graphic designer and art director, there has always
been a paint brush or drawing tool in hand!
I graduated high school with a small art scholarship which convinced my Dad that it would be okay to go into the arts. I studied Graphic Design at Dawson College and Marketing and Public Relations at McGill University in Montreal. After a few years working in advertising agencies, I got the opportunity to open my own shop after winning a huge contract with The Royal Bank of Canada. I was honoured to win awards from Graphisme Quebec and The Art Directors Club of Toronto.
My life journey took away from that world after a devastating loss, and led me on me on a spiritual quest into the world of yoga, shamanism and visionary art, studying and painting with Alex & Alison Grey and Martina Hoffman & Robert Venosa.
I am a yoga teacher, a dancer and a creator of upcycled clothing
under the name Triptastica Couture
There has never been a time when I haven't made art, but it's only recently that I have focused on painting and art making with an eye on professional success.
Artistic Achievments:
John XXiIII High School Janet Chisham Scholarship for Art
Art Directors Club of Toronto : Best Logotype, Medical Information Exchange
Graphisme Quebec: Certificat de Grand Distinction Royal Bank Visa Gold Promotional Package
Published album cover Roger Dean’s Album Cover Album
Diploma of Graphic design Dawson College
Certificate of Marketing and Public Relations McGill University
Visionary Art Intensive, Alex and Alyson Grey, Omega Institute, New York
Visionary Art Intensive Martina Hoffman and Robert Venosa, Manaus, Brazil
Joy Group Show Gananoque Arts Network 2024, Gananoque, Ontario
Side by Side Fundraiser 2024, Union Gallery, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario
Re:member 2023 Modern Fuel, Group Show 2023 Kingston, Ontario
KSOA Fall Group Show 2022, Kingston, Ontario
Trees, Group Show, Gan Arts Network 2023, Gananoque, Ontario
Fantasy in the Forest Group Show 2022, 2023 Kingston, Ontario
Before the Rush 2020, 2022 Gananoque, Ontario
Kingston Women's Art Show 2019 Kingston, Ontario
O’Connor Gallery, Gananoque , Ontario 2019
Peterborough School of the Arts Group Show 2016 Peterborough, Ontario
Sadie Bronfman School of Fine Arts Group Show 2005 Montreal, Quebec
Founding member of Gananoque Arts Network (GAN)
Modern Fuel Kingston, Ontario
Union Gallery, Queens University, Ontario Kingston