artist Statement
I am an abstract painter who is interested in expressing the light and energy of nature and the life force that exists in all things, both real and imagined. After a professional career as a graphic designer and art director, I took a break to explore spiritual yearnings, which took me to wild places of the soul. Spending time with yogis and mystics, with shamans in the jungles and in the high mountains of Nepal, I took in the mysteries of our breathe and our deepest dream states. After spending time exploring figurative, visionary art with teachers Alex and Alison Grey and Martina Hoffman, I have found that abstract painting suits my temperament and wild style.
I am always exploring new media as I have a love for texture. This doesn't really show so well on a digital platform!
At the end of the day, painting is just what I need to do. As you can see on this website, I have a variety of interests that I pursue. But when I can get in the studio, with paint, I find my joy and my desire is to share that joy that always brings me home to myself.